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Showing posts from September, 2019

fucking reason

Too bad Joe just got a very tenuous job for which his boss could fire him for any fucking reason at any time up to and including for whoever Joe votes for, who his spouse is, what sports team he likes. He can take the time off to go vote, because it takes him 2 hours to get to work by bus because it too expensive to live nearby, and cheap nfl jerseys 2 to get home, an hour to cook for himself and his kids. They closed all the polls in his jurisdiction, and the only one available on that day is literally a 3 hour drive out of his way, so cheap nfl jerseys he have to somehow get to that fucking poll, stand in line for hours since everyone from miles around has to vote there, vote, then go back, explain to his boss why he wasn there, risk getting fired, and cheap nfl jerseys then later on he isn even alerted to his vote being cheap nfl jerseys expunged after the fact because he changed his name or because he had an arrest on his record or there was some new stipulation he had to sign up